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The ultimate directory for Contact Centres in South Africa with the unique  Grading System

Corporate Good Business Practice



The Company has achieved minimum professional body designations for technical, operational and professional staff levels, statutory or non-statutory.

Employability is a concept focused both on people’s competencies and qualifications enhancing the individual’s capacity to make use of education, training, and job opportunities, and on the responsibility to provide equal access to these opportunities.

Professional Classification and Continuous Professional Development

Encouraging lifelong learning and skills development policies for the up skilling of competencies throughout working lives and by providing opportunities to address the training and re-training needs of current staff and people re-entering the labor market after absences for example childrearing. Skills are a key aspect of workers’ ability to remain in gainful employment and of their job satisfaction.

The purpose of this standard:

  • Creating Labor Pools for Real or Probable Needs – Participating as a Company or within a Sectoral scheme in creating gainful working opportunities for the currently unemployed workforce and meeting percentages.
  • Meeting the Professional Designation Requirements of the professional body – Compliance with the requirements for meeting the appropriate level of Managers and Staff who have been Professionally Designated by the professional body and are actively participating in Continuous Professional Development Programs registered with the professional body.
  • Creating employment opportunities for the vulnerable – Contributing towards the gainful employment either as a company or by participating in a Sectoral Scheme designed to employ the vulnerable in society, including those who are disabled

The Criteria of this Standard:

  • The company invests in skills development in line with modern theories of innovation and productivity that emphasize the role of workplace practices and lifelong learning.
  • The company registers and encourages its staff to maintain their designations and continuous professional development.

The assessment process for uploading information and documentation for review:

  • Upload your Workplace Skills Plan.
  • What plans are in place to achieve the 10% target of designated employees in the business for any statutory/non-statutory bodies, in year one?
  • What designations other than the Contact Centre industry are held by your staff.
  • What CPD plans are in place for the staff in the upcoming year.